With the celebration of Independence Day comes food, fun and fireworks. Our dogs love the food and fun, but not always the fireworks. Keep reading for some helpful tips to help them relax during this stressful time.
Tire Them Out
Spend your your morning or afternoon helping your day get plenty of exercise to help tire them out. You should also head out for a long walk before the sun sets to increase the chances that you’ll avoid the sounds! When you do go out, you’ll want to ensure your dog is secure on a leash before your walk should they be startled.

Create a Safe Space
Creating a place where your dog will feel comfortable and in control. Set up an area in a quiet space (away from windows) so that they can’t hear or see fireworks. You can also use a crate if that’s where your dog feels safe, and make sure to provide your pup with familiar toys and treats.
You can try leaving a fan, TV, or radio on to help mask the sounds of the fireworks.
Stay Home
If you can, stay home with your dog! Petting them can be comforting — long, slow, firm strokes along the length of their body are typically very soothing.
Be sure to avoid sounding frantic in any way. Rapidly saying, “It’s OK, it’s OK, it’s OK” in a higher-than-average pitch may make your dog think that there really is something to fear. It’s important to remain calm and use a soothing, even tone.
If your pet’s anxiety is severe, discuss a medication with your vet that could help soothe your dog’s anxiety. You can also try out some CBD Treats.