Summer Time Fun!
Stay safe while having fun in the sun.

Dogs need to stay active to stay happy and healthy, but the summer heat can sometimes prove play time difficult. Here are some great ways to keep your dog active while keeping cool!
Shaded Areas
When playing outside in the heat, shady areas are key. Provide your pet with some shade to get a break from the sun when needed.
It's also important to keep plenty of clean, fresh water in the yard for your dog. Not only do they need to stay hydrated, but it may be nice way for them too cool off too! If your dog loves water, a small pool is a very easy way for them to beat the heat. Keep in mind, standing water can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests. Be sure to empty and replace the water frequently to prevent this from happening.
If your dog isn't a water lover that will plop into a small pool, a sprinkler is another awesome option. Letting your dog run through and play in it will be fun for them and fun for you to watch. Just be careful about water getting in their ears, as it's a super common and easy way that dogs get ear infections.
Water comes to the rescue again! This time, in a much different way... Our tugs are freezable! Help your furry friend stay safe by wetting one of our tug toys and throwing it in the freezer. Once frozen, it's time to tug.
Limit Outdoor Play
On those extremely hot days, limiting outdoor activities is the safest option. Stay indoors and let your precious pal snuffle away with our snuffle bag! The snuffle bag provides them with some extra stimulation and fun.