Heading Back To School Can Be Stressful, Especially For Our Pets.
Back to school transitions can be tough for dogs who are used to spending all summer with their families! Though going back to school may be a bit different this year, schedule changes can be stressful for dogs. The sudden switch from long summer days filled with fun to living in an empty (or busy) home can be a tough adjustment.
Here are some easy ways help your dog with this sudden change:
• Keep Them On A Routine.
Slowly ease them into their new life. Start getting up earlier, as you would during the school year, so they can begin getting the hang of things. It’s also important to get their potty schedule down too in order to avoid coming home to accidents!
• Fill Their Toy Bin!
Introducing new toys is always a fun way to entertain your pup. We have so many different products to offer and we’re coming out with new ones all of the time! Shop our products to help fill their toy bin and keep them occupied.
• Make Time For Fun.
Exercise and playtime are crucial to keep your dog happy and healthy! Going for daily walks and getting a game of Tug ‘O War in before bed time are always a great idea.
• Extra Love!
Of course showing your dog lots of love is always important! There are a ton of ways to show them that you love them outside of snuggles and pets. Inclusion being one of them. Include them more during this time; it will mean the world to them! Let your dog spend time with your kids while they do homework, practice their extra curricular activities or while they read a book. Not only will it help your dog, but your kids may enjoy homework time more since they have a friend to share it with.
Better yet, let that cutie join you or your kids in heading back to school!