Chelsy's Toys: A Company that is Sustainable, Ethical, and Fun

Chelsy's Toys: A Company that is Sustainable, Ethical, and Fun

With the increasing awareness of modern life's impact on our planet, people are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and increase their eco-friendly activities. 

Look at your pet's toys and the packaging used to ship online purchases. How many items are made from up-cycled produced or shipped in eco-friendly packaging? If you're ready to help reduce your carbon footprint, you may be ready to make a change!

What is eco-friendly and sustainable packaging?

There are a few terms that are key to being eco-friendly and sustainable. These are 'biodegradable', 'recyclable' and 'compostable'. 

  • Biodegradable - Biodegradable packaging is designed to degrade when placed in the environment, usually after a period of one to five years. This is done so that it doesn't cause harm to wildlife or the environment. You'll often find this type of packaging is used for food and drink that you can't necessarily recycle or compost. It's also used for things like sanitary items and disposable diapers. Biodegradable packaging is an excellent choice if you're looking to be more eco-friendly and sustainable. However, bear in mind that it will take a while for the packaging to degrade. 
  • Recyclable - A product is deemed recyclable when it can be broken down and reused to produce another item. This is an incredibly sustainable and eco-friendly way of doing things. This type of packaging is commonly used for paper and cardboard items. However, you'll find other materials are frequently recycled, too. You'll often find that products are 'recyclable' instead of 'biodegradable.' This isn't because they're not biodegradable, but because they're likely to be put through a recycling process before they're placed in the environment. 
  • Compostable - Composting is a way of processing organic waste so that it's broken down and turned into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. This fertilizer is then used to enrich the soil where crops are grown. Compostable packaging is designed to be broken down through a composting process. It's created from materials easily broken down in a composting environment. Composting is the most eco-friendly and sustainable way of disposing packaging and other waste.

Chelsy's Toys uses packaging for shipping from EcoEnclose. EcoEnclose develops packaging that helps us and other companies ship as sustainably as possible. We also love that their social channels feature tips and tidbits on becoming more eco-conscious.

How to be more eco-friendly and sustainable

  • Buy in bulk - Stock up on items such as cleaning products, toiletries, and foodstuffs in bulk. Buy items in bulk when you can, and you'll cut down on packaging that's been used for one-off purchases.
  • Invest in reusable goods - Opt for reusables if you're buying things such as razors, bags, or makeup brushes. You can often pick up a pack of reusable razors for a few dollars.
  • Buy eco-friendly goods - Look out for items labeled 'biodegradable', 'recyclable', or 'compostable'. You can also visit environmental charity websites to discover ethical and sustainable brands.

Going local and organic

  • Visit your local farmer's market - Farmer's markets are popping up in cities across the world. They're a great place to pick up fresh, organic produce that hasn't traveled thousands of miles to get to you.
  • Visit your local farmers - Visit your local farms and pick up their fresh, organic produce. Many farmers have a community-supported agriculture (CSA) option, where you can pick up fresh produce on a weekly basis.
  • Grow your own - If you have a garden, there's no better way of being sustainable than growing your own produce. You can also opt for indoor gardening, which results in a fun and rewarding hobby for the whole family. If you want to learn more about growing your own garden and hydroponics, visit our sister company, Growing Roots.


Green initiatives are important for the future of our earth. But it's equally important to find sustainable, ethical, and eco-friendly companies and manufacturers. Visit our store to view our items of up-cycled and recycled products for your pets. We ship all of our orders in sustainable packaging that lowers our and your carbon footprints. Read more about our up-cycling initiatives here.

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